
pauerNews0 Comments

Puzzle #3: NE Thing Goes This puzzle was inspired by the production of “Anything Goes” that my wife is directing at Marquette High School right now. It only runs for one weekend (11/17-11/20), so if you’re in the St. Louis ... Read More


pauerNews0 Comments

Puzzle #2: Bilepartisanship This is my tribute to the 1996 Election Day puzzle in the New York Times. In that one, the main theme answer could be either CLINTON ELECTED or BOB DOLE ELECTED. It was presented as a prediction ... Read More


pauerNews0 Comments

Puzzle #1: Blackheads Since we’re starting on Halloween, it seemed appropriate to riff on BLACK. This type of puzzle, one whose theme type is “words-that-precede-___” or “words-that-follow-___,” has a long and rich history in puzzling. No, really! Steinberg, back me ... Read More