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Other places to find my work:
A silly xword tourney I cohost in a church basement NYC every August. Visit us at our BeMoreSmarter or Wikipedia page.
American Values Club crossword
Formerly of The Onion and recently of Slate Plus, this weekly xword is edgy and often PG-13. Buy single puzzles or a subscription here.
A silly xword tourney I cohost in a church basement NYC every August. Visit us at our BeMoreSmarter or Wikipedia page.
American Values Club crossword
Formerly of The Onion and recently of Slate Plus, this weekly xword is edgy and often PG-13. Buy single puzzles or a subscription here.

Daily Celebrity Crossword
An app that features a brand-new easy 11×11 xword every day. Great for beginners and lovers of pop culture. Here’s the iTunes link
Will Shortz’s big annual tourney in Stamford, CT. It’s the 40th one this year, taking place March 24-26, 2017. More more info visit crosswordtournament dot com.